
Disadvantages of using cobalt 60
Disadvantages of using cobalt 60

It may also be used as part of adjuvant therapy, to prevent tumor recurrence after surgery to remove a primary malignant tumor (for example, early stages of breast cancer). Radiation therapy may be curative in a number of types of cancer if they are localized to one area of the body. Reach out to the experts at Symec Engineers to know more about it.Radiation therapy or radiotherapy, often abbreviated RT, RTx, or XRT, is a therapy using ionizing radiation, generally provided as part of cancer treatment to control or kill malignant cells and normally delivered by a linear accelerator. But with Food irradiation, these factors can be controlled to a large extent. There are a lot of external factors such as microorganisms and pathogens that would cause illnesses and that we could not control in the past. We, at Symec Engineers, believe that Food irradiation is the new step in food technology and production. To compensate for the loss of these vitamins in your body, you will have to take supplements along with your diet. Vitamins like thiamin, Vitamin E, and Vitamin C are reduced and sometimes even eliminated through irradiation. But it is not the same for vitamin content.

disadvantages of using cobalt 60

  • Vitamin Content:The process of irradiation can leave macronutrients like proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals unaffected.

    Environmental Contamination:While constructing and maintaining an irradiation facility is expensive in itself, but what is harder is to ensure that the surrounding environment is free from any kind of contamination and this can get costly as well.These can include chromosomal abnormalities, cancers of various kinds and even premature death. Effects on mammals and aves: Irradiation may not show its signs on human health, but studies have shown that irradiated food can pose numerous health risks and conditions to mammals and aves in some rare cases.This means proper irradiation dose is required to guarantee total food safety. Additionally, when it is applied below the dose that is recommended, it may not be able to get rid of viruses as well. Does not guarantee total food safety: While irradiation food is considered to be safe for consumption, it does not eliminate toxins.

    disadvantages of using cobalt 60

    Properly Labelled: Foods that have been irradiated come with a label, a Radura label that allows consumers to choose between buying or avoiding irradiated items.Minor Nutrient Loss: While many claims that irradiation can affect the nutritional value of food, studies show that it helps preserve nutrients better than the common food preservative techniques such as boiling and freezing.No Chemical Residue:The WHO and the US Department of Agriculture believe that technology is safe to use on food and does not produce any toxic substances.Extended Shelf Life: Apart from eliminating food pathogens, Food irradiation can also help extend the shelf life of food items by destroying the inactive organisms that cause spoilage and decomposition.Food irradiation can kill pathogens and can be used to sterilise the food of the patients with an impaired immune system such as those suffering from AIDS or undergoing chemotherapy. Enhances Food Safety:Irradiation techniques are used to reduce risks related to foodborne illnesses that are caused by microorganisms such as Salmonella.Here is a list of the advantages and disadvantages of Food irradiation:

    disadvantages of using cobalt 60

    Food irradiation has advantages and along with that, some disadvantages also. Additionally, it is also used to avoid spoilage or decomposition of food and delay in sprouting and ripening. Food irradiation is the process of treating food items and products with x-rays, gamma rays and electron beams to eliminate micro-organisms and pathogens that can cause any illnesses or diseases.

    Disadvantages of using cobalt 60